All of the Customer Input Selectors have two components in common:

  • A prompt to instruct the caller
  • A set of options, including NOMATCH.

TTSOPT and IVROPT both accept a single digit input from the caller.

The IVRDATA Selector will accept a variable length sequence of digits, terminated by #. The prompt should tell the caller that a # is required to terminate the input.

Call processing will continue from the goto label of the option that matches the callers input.


TTSOPT uses a text-to-speech prompt

In edit mode; select the language and voice from the drop-down, type in the prompt text, and add the options, using 'Add a Row' to provide additional options.

If the TTSOPT Selector has been applied to a TTSOPT row in the Call Routing Plan, and the plan has been updated, the plan labels will be available in the GoTo Label drop-downs.

The IVROPT is very similar to the TTSOPT except that a recorded announcement is used for the prompt.